
Published on august 28th, 2014 | by


Bucharest Art Week – Ediția #1 – 26 septembrie – 4 octombrie 2014

Bucharest Art Week – Ediția #1 / 26 septembrie – 4 octombrie 2014

Cel mai efervescent oras din Romania pe plan artistic, Bucurestiul si-a castigat in ultimii ani un loc bine meritat intre orasele active din punct de vedere cultural in spatiul central si est european. Deschiderea unor noi galerii de arta si organizarea de centre culturale si spatii alternative de catre artistii independenti duc la o emulatie creatoare de bun augur si fac din Bucuresti un oras dezirabil pentru rezidente artistice, expozitii, conferinte si schimburi.

Bucharest Art Week s-a nascut din dorinta de ne alatura marilor orase europene precum Berlin, Basel, Viena, Budapesta sau Londra, unde astfel de evenimente reprezinta deja o traditie. La Bucuresti, saptamana artei se va structura in jurul nevoii de experiment si de schimb cultural intre artisti din tari europene, in special din zona centrala si de est. Fiecare editie va aborda o tema de interes social si incepand cu anul 2015 va avea un curator invitat din tara sau din strainatate.

Vrem sa facem accesibila arta contemporană publicului larg, sa facilitam vizibilitatea artistilor romani contemporani in tara si la nivel international si sa ii sustinem in demersurile lor creative.

Bucharest Art Week va fi deschis nu numai artelor vizuale, ci si altor arii artistice – teatru, muzica, dans, literatura etc. – fiind un bun prilej pentru evenimente sincretice sau manifestari pluridisciplinare.

Bucharest Art Week 2014 se va desfasura in perioada 26 septembrie – 4 octombrie. Tema editiei pilot este ”Orase, granite si atitudini” / ”Cities, borders and attitudes”.

Locatiile si programul vor fi anuntate pe masura ce vor fi confirmate.



Bucharest Art Week – 1st Edition / 26 Sep – 4 Oct 2014

Artistically the most effervescent city in Romania, Bucharest has earned in the last few years a well-deserved place among the cities from Central and Eastern Europe that have a very active cultural scene. New art galleries have been opened, cultural centers and alternative spaces have been organized by independent artists. This leads to a very welcomed creative emulation and turns Bucharest into a desirable city for residencies, exhibitions, conferences and exchanges.

Bucharest Art Week came out of our desire to join large European cities such as Berlin, Basel, Vienna, Budapest and London, where similar events have already become a tradition. In Bucharest, the art week will be structured around the need of experiment and cultural exchange between artists from European countries, especially from central and eastern Europe. Each edition will approach a theme of social interest and starting with 2015 will have a romanian or international curator invited to set the theme, to sign the central exhibition project and to select the projects proposed by the artists, galleries, organizations and independent curators together with the other members of the jury.

We aim to make contemporary art accessible to the general public, to facilitate the visibility of contemporary Romanian artists in the country and abroad and to support them in their creative initiatives.

Bucharest Art Week will be open to visual arts, but also to other artistic areas – theatre, music, dance, literature etc. – being a great opportunity for syncretic and pluridisciplinary events.

Bucharest Art Week 2014 will take place from 26 Sep to 4 Oct 2014 under the theme „Cities, borders and attitudes”.

Venues and programme to be announced soon.

7 este partener media al evenimentului.


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